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SCAW Volunteer Agreement Terms & Conditions


1. I understand and agree that I will receive no compensation or remuneration for any services performed in my capacity as a volunteer of SCAW.

2. I further understand that all travel and other expenses incurred by me in my capacity as a volunteer of SCAW are solely my responsibility and that SCAW has no obligation to reimburse me for such expenses.

3. I agree to perform my duties as a volunteer of SCAW to the best of my ability.

4. I agree that my behavior will be constructive, cooperative and respectful to all people with whom I have contact with while volunteering for SCAW.

5. I understand that SCAW is entitled to dismiss me from my position as a volunteer of SCAW for any reason at the discretion of SCAW including but not limited to the commission of any illegal acts, offending local sensibilities, putting at risk the welfare or safety of myself or others, or acting in a manner detrimental to SCAW.

6. I understand and agree that any work or improvements to software, websites, processes, documents of SCAW shall remain the property of or be assigned to SCAW, as applicable.

7. I hereby consent to SCAW taking and using any image of me or written materials produced by me for promotional purposes.

8. I hereby release SCAW and its officers, managers and directors from any liability while I am travelling or working for SCAW as a volunteer.

9. I hereby agree to indemnify SCAW and each of its directors, officers, employees and volunteers from and against any losses or damages suffered by any of them as a result of my breach of this Volunteer Agreement or arising from my negligence in the performance of my duties as a volunteer of SCAW.

Information Disclosure

1. I confirm that I have provided SCAW with all information required by SCAW to facilitate my assignment within SCAW as a volunteer, both within Canada and abroad.

2. I confirm that I meet the minimum legal age requirement to work in all provinces of Canada.

3. I confirm that I have disclosed all medical conditions and disabilities I have to SCAW.

4. I confirm that I am in good physical and mental health to carry out the duties assigned to me. I understand this undertaking by me is continuing, which means I am responsible for any circumstances or issues that arise out of any change to my physical and mental health, whether or not disclosed to SCAW.

5. I confirm that I have not been convicted or have disclosed all convictions to SCAW relating to criminal offences in Canada or any other country.

6. I confirm that all information I have provided to SCAW is true, accurate and complete.

Project Assignment

1. I understand SCAW cannot guarantee me a volunteer position in Canada or abroad. I further understand that any position that I may secure with SCAW may not meet my preferences; however, if I accept the assignment, I promise to fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the position to the best of my abilities.

2. I understand that my volunteering with SCAW, both in Canada and abroad, is of a temporary nature and that SCAW has no obligation to provide me with any ongoing volunteer work.

3. I understand SCAW cannot guarantee the actual hours of volunteer work. I also understand and accept that some volunteer assignments in Canada and abroad may be cancelled or changed on short notice. I also understand that assignments in Canada and abroad may be affected by the specific needs and changing priorities of SCAW, economic and political events, funding availability for specific projects, weather, as well as other factors outside of the control of SCAW.

Volunteering Abroad (if applicable)

1. I understand that distributions involve hard work. Volunteers face extreme heat & humidity, exposure to poverty, unfamiliar food, unsanitary conditions, frequent bending, prolonged travel by air, and vehicle travel for long periods over rough terrain.

2. I understand that a Medical Report signed by a practising physician will be required prior to travel.

3. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining and paying for appropriate visas for any trips to countries which require them.

4. I understand that I am responsible for all travel arrangements and related expenses, both within Canada and abroad, that are connected directly or indirectly to my volunteer work with SCAW. If a trip abroad is cancelled for any reason, I understand that all cancellation costs, including, but not limited to, the flight and accommodation are my responsibility.

5. I understand that I am responsible for researching and obtaining all vaccinations necessary to be fully protected from any health issues in all countries I visit while working for SCAW.

6. I understand that I am responsible for arranging all necessary medical, travel cancellation and other insurance for myself while volunteering for SCAW.

7. I understand that I am solely responsible for obtaining all personal medication that I may require, prior to my departure on a trip on behalf of SCAW.

8. I understand that I am expected to respect the property and other volunteers of SCAW and related organizations that SCAW works with abroad. I confirm that I will pay for any property damage I may cause and understand that destruction and/or theft of property will be grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal.


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